Kallary Muskuy Sacha de Llusin

Get to know the wonders of the Ecuadorian East

Story of Kallary Muskuy Sacha de Llushin

Kallary Muskuy Sacha de Llushin was founded in 1936 thanks to family inheritances that have been passed down through the generations. This legacy was forged by those who dedicated their lives to preserving the natural wealth of the region, becoming an intangible and inexhaustible heritage for their descendants and for all those who love flora and fauna Among the settlers who played a fundamental role in its establishment are Javier Vargas, Isabela Vargas, Thomas Ureña, Aurora Vargas, Francisca Grefa, Fermín Flores, Ángel Ureña Vargas and Olimpia Clementina Flores. Today, the children of these founders have taken possession of this inheritance, ensuring that the wealth of Kallary Muskuy Sacha is passed on to future generations On September 14, 2011, the Ecuadorian state officially recognized Kallary Muskuy Sacha as a Tourist Community. This recognition reinforces our commitment to the conservation of nature and the visionary dreams of our families. Today, we wish to share our tourist attractions with the world. Our visitors can enjoy beautiful waterfalls, crystal-clear rivers with clean sandy beaches, and abundant flora and fauna. In addition, we offer the opportunity to observe wild birds, explore fruit plants, and live many adventures while discovering the legends that make our community a unique place We invite you to be part of this experience and connect with nature in Kallary Muskuy Sacha de Llushin. We hope to welcome you soon!


Live the experience of sharing the home of a local family


Visit unforgettable places with the advice of professional guides.


We offer our visitors personalized tours

Conservation of the Amazon Rainforest

Since we began protecting our reserve, we have seen how a degraded ecosystem has become a thriving forest. Over the years we have witnessed an incredible increase in wildlife activity within the reserve, including extraordinary and rare sightings of black jaguars, vinegar foxes and spectacled bears. We do not receive any funding from the government and we are helped by the visits of tourists and donations, if you want to help you can become a donor.

Visit and enjoy the biodiversity of the Kallary Muskuy Sacha de Llusin community


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